How to improve sleep quality in Elderly Individuals with Alzheimer's D – Pitoies
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How to improve sleep quality in Elderly Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease?

23 Mar 2023 0 Comments
How to improve sleep quality in Elderly Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease?
Elderly people with Alzheimer's disease often experience "twilight sleep" during the day, which results in them getting less sleep at night. Depending on the type of Alzheimer's, there are different patterns of sleep disturbances, such as:
① In Alzheimer's disease (AD), the elderly take longer to fall asleep.
② In Lewy body cognitive impairment (Lewy), the elderly wake up several times at night.
③ In cognitive impairment associated with Parkinson's disease, there is often significant daytime sleepiness.

1. Here are some suggested measures:
① Maintain the habit: try to maintain the elderly's usual sleep and waking rhythm.
② Create a comfortable sleeping environment: adjust the lighting in the bedroom and be aware of the risk of falls at night. Small night lights can be used, suitable bedroom temperature, comfort dolls that the elderly like, and sleep music that the elderly like, etc.
③ Ensure sufficient activity/exercise during the day: sufficient exercise is more likely to cause fatigue.
④ Eat and drink within a reasonable and regular time: dietary habits are crucial to a good night's sleep. Pay attention to the time and amount of drinking water for the elderly; if the elderly need to take diuretic drugs at night, the nursing staff should pay attention to the frequency of the elderly going to the toilet at night. Therefore, most fluids and/or diuretics are best taken within four hours of bedtime. Additionally, provide meals high in fat and protein for the elderly, such as fatty cheese, whole wheat bread with fatty cheese, salmon, and milk.
⑤ Avoid causing stress to the elderly: putting too much stress on sleep can often have the opposite effect. If the elderly person wanders in the living room or corridor when experiencing insomnia at night, the nursing staff should not preach or persuade them too much. Instead, they should follow the elderly person's wishes and let them do what they want while ensuring their safety.
⑥ Use fragrance that promotes sleep and calms the mind: aromatherapy is a useful method. Essential oils such as lavender, stone pine, mandarin, and lemon balm work well spritzed on pillows, dripped on aromatherapy stones, or in a diffuser, and organic products have almost no side effects. However, it is necessary to know whether the elderly person likes the scent and whether they have a history of allergies.
⑦ Provide sleeping clothes that the elderly person likes.

2. What should the elderly person with Alzheimer's disease avoid before going to sleep?
They should avoid watching TV for at least an hour before bedtime, as the blue light from screens suppresses the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, and the same applies to light in the bedroom. In addition, make sure that the elderly person does not feel pain at night. Especially for elderly people with Alzheimer's disease, they cannot express pain accurately and fully, which can cause restlessness and insomnia due to pain. Also, avoid offering too many high-sugar foods in the evening.

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