Improving Quality of Life for Alzheimer's Patients: Early Detection, C – Pitoies
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Improving Quality of Life for Alzheimer's Patients: Early Detection, Caregiving Tips, and More

25 Apr 2023 0 Comments
Improving Quality of Life for Alzheimer's Patients: Early Detection, Caregiving Tips, and More
Around the age of 50, people begin to age. This process has two trends: one is normal aging, and the other is the appearance of cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Only 21% of Alzheimer's disease patients receive standardized diagnosis and treatment. Not being taken seriously early on delays the most precious stage of intervention. For mild Alzheimer's disease, early detection and intervention can make the condition relatively stable for a long time. The stigma of patients and their families has become an obstacle to diagnosis and treatment. Without timely treatment, patients with Alzheimer's disease are likely to develop memory loss, loss of mobility, and even incontinence within three to five years.

It is very difficult for each family member to follow the doctor's correct guidance to take care of them, which has a lot to do with the education level of the family members and the level of awareness of the disease. In cases where drugs are incurable, scientific care becomes the main way to delay the disease.

Disappointment is a stage that every caregiver who has just built confidence will go through. It requires a lot of patience and energy from the caregiver. Because of the disease, the patient is gradually unable to adapt to the previous life, and the family members need to adjust themselves to adapt to the rhythm of the patient. As the care time grows, the family members will gradually become calm and not as desperate as they were at first.

Refuse the "exit plan." Long-term hospital stays are not the best choice. If the elderly cannot return home, they will not be able to restore their functions in family society, reconnect with their friends, and restore interpersonal communication.

Avoid "over-care." Children are very thoughtful and filial, but over-care can cause patients to "reach out for clothes and food to open their mouths," which "actually defaults to the fact that patients are disabled, and the group being cared for requires them to give up their efforts, withdrew from social functions." People often only see what they cannot do, but they ignore the ability they still have, which greatly limits the possibilities of their life. We must believe that patients with Alzheimer's disease can also live a good life with the disease.

Cognitive impairment makes many people fear that they will not be able to live independently and lose their dignity. Cognitive and expressive abilities decline, but people with dementia also have a rich inner world. No matter how serious the stage is, they should be cared for and loved with people as the center. They can still feel sadness, loneliness, insecurity, and they can still feel love and being loved.

For Alzheimer's disease, the most important thing is to detect the diagnosis early and intervene correctly in time. In the stage where there is no effective drug, the direction is to delay the disease and improve the patient's quality of life. Don't let Alzheimer's patients get familiar with themselves. We should try our best to help them strengthen the living ability they still have. Let patients live with dignity and quality, even if they forget that they have forgotten us. We must believe that they can always feel love and be loved.

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